Thursday, May 31, 2012

Very amateur tank photography...

Older Image - (not from today's set)
I was reading on a forum about how to take photographs of an aquarium. In the past year, I have purchased a DSLR camera and tried to learn as much as I can. I've gotten a little better, but still have a long ways to improve. When I've tried to take photos of my tank, they are usually pretty bad. Luckily, I came across this website:  I was inspired to try some things and see how much better my photos would now be.

Well, I made the attempt, but they weren't many that caught my eye or that I thought were any better than my previous shots. I figured out some areas of improvements, and hopefully the next round will be a little better. Here are a sample of what I shot today. The animated GIF serves no purpose except to amuse myself...

Animated GIF - Torch
Candy Cane / Trumpet Coral
Torch Coral
 I'll have to post some content soon, but until then... enjoy the images.