Sunday, November 13, 2011

New frags from Garrett's Acropolis

I got to see something really special today; Garrett's Acropolis. Steve was kind enough to show us his impressive coral propagating system. Located outdoors, his system utilizes natural light and under 600 watts of electricity to run! It's a beautiful system, with healthy, beautiful, and a good variety of rare corals.

I opted for some easier to keep acros, green slimer, a monti, and a birds nest (Ora birds of paradise) coral. I also got a blue Xenia frag!

You can see some great pictures of Garrett's Acropolis featured on Marine Depots Featured Tank for July 2011. Marine Depot also posted a video to their YouTube channel. I've posted it below:

You can also view more on Garrett's Acropolis on his official website at

Finally, here's some pictures of my tank and the new frags (Taken with my iPhone, sorry. I'll get some with the DSLR soon).Until next time...

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