Saturday, January 28, 2012

The 28 Gallon JBJ - NanoCube

So I haven't really posted about my the new tank... Ok, so it's not REALLY mine, but I completely helped set it up and will be taking care of it. It actually belongs to my girlfriend, Mal (you can thank me when you're famous, Love). I guess I can say I'm "consulting" on the setup (that means pointing fingers, complaining about water changes, making top-off water, providing some frags, etc...). Well, we set it up and it's been running for about a month now. We moved an existing 12 gallon nano aquarium into the new 28-gallon Nano tank (including rock, fishes, and coral). Don't worry, we set it up right. We started it with just base rock and started dosing Brightwell's Microbacter7 immediately for almost 2 weeks. We also added a handful of live sand and a few gallons of aquarium water from the existing aquarium. We then added the live rock and fish, and tada...

But Oh No's! It wasn't 9 months of cycling!!! Yes folks, it's possible to stock a tank in a matter of just a few DAYS. Do your homework, plan it out, and stock it slowly... Don't worry, I'm a professional. In all reality, I've set up new aquariums in a day in a pinch, and have never had problems. I have ALWAYS stocked slowly, though...

So far the tank is doing well. The previous aquarium was running a 70 watt metal halide fixture, and the new aquarium is running JBJ's 89 watt Advanced LED light (JBJ 28 Gallon Nano Cube LED Aquarium - 89 Watt Advanced). Not too shabby! The soft coral all did pretty well during the switch, however a frag of my Pink and Green Damicornis bleached out; this was not a result of the light.

Anyways, I'll be posting updates from time to time to track the progress, and here's the latest picture...

 And no, I haven't downsized (yet). I have some good things going on with MY 60-gallon reef, and plan on posting more soon... So until next time...