Sunday, March 13, 2011

The 18 Gallon Nano

18 gallonleftCloser view

My current aquarium is an 18 gallon nano reef. I will list the specifications below:

AquaClear 70 - mechanical filtration. Basket is filled with live rock rubble. Have added carbon for periods of time and filter floss.

AquaC Remora - protein skimmer.

Hydor Koralia Nano - water flow.

Marineland Stealth Heater - controlled with DA RKL.

CurrentUSA SunPod - 70watt MH fixture w/ moon lights. 70 watt Ushio, 14000k bulb.

Digital Aquatics Reef Keeper Lite (basic) - controller. Currently only controlling heater and light timer.

Lightly stocked at the moment- Yellow Watchman Goby, Coral Banded Shrimp, clean up crew. Corals include: Frogspawn, Blasto's, Australian Duncans, Montipora, and other coral. I have had issues keeping clownfish, and I am beginning to suspect that my shrimp is not helping the situation. I currently have a new True Percula Clownfish in quarantine, awaiting to be introduced into the 60 gallon after it's up and ready.

Husbandry and Maintenance:
Weekly water changes of about 4 gallons using DD H2Ocean salt. Levels have been maintained primarily using water changes. I have added Seachem's Reefusion 2 part dosing solution as a Calcium / Alkalinity dosing solution and ReefPlus amino acid solution. I test my levels weekly using API reef and saltwater master test kits.

Well, that's the 18 gallon in a nut shell. The next post will include the build of the 60 gallon, which I am currently preparing for as I post this... Until next time.

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