Sunday, March 6, 2011

Welcome to my reef log!

A reef log - a reef blog. A reblog? Maybe not... I've decided to jump on the blog bandwagon after a coworker suggested I start documenting the progress of my tank. I will post information, photographs, and other information I feel relevant to my reef aquarium.

Let me introduce myself: My name is Chris. I am a twenty-something years old aquarium hobbyist. I have worked in the fish and pet industry for over six years. I have dabbled in the care and keeping of reptiles, pocket pets, dogs and freshwater and marine fishes. I will clearly state that I am a hobbyist, I am not an expert in anything. I am not a researcher, I am not a scientist, and I am learning more and more every day. I will use my reeflog to track developments and progress as I develop my aquarium. As with any blog, all information posted (unless otherwise stated) is strictly my opinion, and I am in no way claiming to be an authority on anything.

My reef log will focus primarily on my next build, a 60 gallon reef tank. I will be moving my 18 gallon nano reef tank (and all of its inhabitants) shortly. I will document the set-up of the aquarium and the growth and development. Keep checking back for updates... In my next post, I will introduce my current 18 gallon nano, and will begin the transfer process shortly.

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